Year 5


In Year 5, our curriculum has been organised around a topic based approach which incorporates the key skills set out in the National Curriculum. We find this approach to teaching engages the children and gives meaning to their learning. It also emphasises the importance of developing the depth of children’s learning.

This means providing children with increased cognitive challenge, allowing them to apply the skills which they have learnt independently, in a range of contexts. Each term starts with a new topic based around a big question. We plan exciting contexts for learning that ‘hook’ and engage learners so that they want to learn more. We aim to make learning real and relevant to the lives of our children and will always include a trip linked to the topic or arrange for visitors to come into school. Where possible, all areas of the curriculum including maths and English are linked to the topic theme.

Year 5 Routines

  • Books are changed by the children when required.
  • Children have an indoor and outdoor PE session each week and should have their PE kit in school every day in case the days are changed.
  • Children have a fortnightly guitar lesson on a Wednesday.

Home Learning

  • Children are expected to read at least 4 times a week and record these reads in their reading diary.
  • Homework menus are in the front of the children's reading diaries for each half term and children will be able to choose which pieces they complete.Full instructions will be printed in the front of children’s homework books.
  • Spellings will be tested and set on a Friday.
  • Times tables are tested fortnightly.