
Holme valley primary school 24

The National Curriculum states that the purpose of study for a high quality science education at primary should provide the foundations for understanding the world through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics. It is an undeniable fact that science has changed our lives and is vital to the world’s future prosperity. At Holme Valley, we ensure that pupils recognise this importance in the context of their daily lives and within the locality of our setting.

All pupils at Holme Valley develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding; develop understanding of the processes and methods of science through different types of enquiry; are equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science and ultimately use all of this understanding to answer questions about the world around them – today and into the future.

In EYFS, science is taught through fostering a healthy curiosity about our world; child focused play and discovery and by promoting a respect for the living and non-living. Our pupils carry forward these desirable attributes into subsequent scientific learning. 

We ensure that scientific enquiry skills are threaded through each strand pupils study and our spiral curriculum ensures that these strands are revisited and developed. This allows pupils to build upon their prior knowledge and embed this procedural knowledge into the long-term memory. Ultimately, pupils will know more and remember more. 

We believe that first-hand activities are intrinsic to the retention of new knowledge, and where possible, we plan to use different contexts for these experiences.  Additional opportunities for learning in science are provided, such as visitors to the school, educational excursions and after school clubs.

If you require any further information about our science curriculum, please contact the school office and our subject leader will get back to you.